
CEDAR 2018

CEDAR 2018 was a huge success! Some of our team was able to attend, and they all thoroughly enjoyed the event!

If you are interested in joining our conversation about Deaf and Autism research please contact for more information!!

Pictured: RA, Emily Kane, Lab Director, Dr. Marie Coppola, RA, Callie Hebert, and Lab Manager, Kristin Walker.



ASD Homecoming

The American School for the Deaf will be hosting their annual homecoming celebration this Saturday, October 13, 2018. Come enjoy a day of festivities with members of the local Deaf community! For more information, visit ASD’s website

CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR (Community Engagement in Deafness and Autism Research) is holding a conference on October 13, 2018. Steve Silberman, the author of “Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity” will be delivering the keynote address.

For more information, click here or visit CEDAR’s website!

Therese O’Neill awarded Undergraduate Research Grant!

Therese O’Neill ’18

Undergraduate research assistant Therese O’Neill has received a Psychological Sciences Undergraduate Research Grant to pursue her project “Characterizing heritage languages across modalities: How well do hearing children of deaf parents fit the heritage learner profile?” under the mentorship of Dr. Deanna Gagne and Dr. Marie Coppola. She is excited for this opportunity and eager to contribute to this body of knowledge.

Lab Director Dr. Marie Coppola Presents at the Language Acquisition and Learning in Deaf Children Conference

On April 8th, Lab Director Dr. Marie Coppola gave a talk at the Language Acquisition and Learning in Deaf Children Conference. Take a look at her presentation, “Early access to language: Creating an optimal foundation for deaf children’s cognitive development,” here. The presentation covers the importance of accessible language for both Deaf and hearing children, the benefits of bimodality and bilingualism, the functional neuroanatomy of language, and the intersection of language with other domains and aspects of cognitive development like math.

Hosted by the Baystate Continuing Interprofessional Education and the Willie Ross School for the Deaf, the Language Acquisition and Learning in Deaf Children Conference focused on the language acquisition, education, and development of Deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

Graduate Student Jessica Contreras Interviewed for RIT’s University News

Language Creation Lab graduate student Jessica Contreras was recently interviewed for RIT’s University News about her experience as a graduate student enrolled in the Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate program. Jessica spoke about the benefits of the Bridges program, a research and educational program for deaf and hard-of-hearing students: “Equally as important as the lab work and mentoring opportunities is the way that the Bridges program helps students develop their own identities as deaf people and as scientists.” The program, she said, gave her “the confidence to succeed in a research setting alongside hearing peers.”

The article, “RIT/NTID program encourages students to pursue doctoral degrees” by Vienna McGrain, can be read here.

Photo by Mark Benjamin, from “RIT/NTID program encourages students to pursue doctoral degrees” by Vienna McGrain

Graduate student Russell Richie’s prelim paper accepted into The Mental Lexicon journal!

Russell’s paper, titled “Functionalism in the lexicon: Where is it, and how did it get there?”, initially written as one of his prelims, has been accepted into a thematic issue titled “New Questions for the Next Decade”, and will also be published in a book with other articles and commentaries. Many thanks to Marie and other faculty who helped the paper along!